
Domain Names

Penguin Search Engine Services, Inc. - About Us

Penguin Search Engine Services, Inc. focuses on the strategic acquisition of domain names for resale or development.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Super Bowl Commercials, Domain Names and Google Marketing

Just two days after the big game and fans, ad executives and others are still talking about, and analyzing the Super Bowl ads.

And, they're asking questions: Why did Google decide to advertise? Which ads were most effective? They're also measuring results, from amount of traffic sent to their company or organization's Web sites (Focus on the Family, HomeAway), to determining how much product has been, or will be sold.

In particular, when it comes to the ads, has reported initial success of its commercials.

Domain Tax Guide: A guide for domain name owners and those who sell domain names.

The Domain Tax Guide
Whether you're just starting to make some money with your domain name business, or you're already into the paydirt, if you want to get the latest information about domain investing and tax implications, then get your copy of The Domain Tax Guide Now!

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