
Domain Names

Penguin Search Engine Services, Inc. - About Us

Penguin Search Engine Services, Inc. focuses on the strategic acquisition of domain names for resale or development.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Importance of Web Analytics

These days, the importance of maximizing ROI and targeting customers is greater than ever. One component of a successful strategy to accomplish this is the use of web analytics.

This morning Penguin Search Engine Services checked out a seminar hosted by the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce on the topic.

The presenter was Bruce Snyder of The Westover Group. We encourage you to visit them to learn more about the specifics.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Domain Name End Users

Domain Name "End Users".

What are they? Who are they? And how much do they know about the domain name aftermarket? We're about to find out. Currently, we're working on an article that is slated for the Domain Name Wire. The article will feature comments from top executives at a few major registrars, an industry leading domain name journalist and a major domain name development company.

For years, domain name investors have struggled with the issue of finding end users and educating them about the domain name aftermarket. In the upcoming piece, we'll take a look at how the industry can help educate these prospective customers, how to raise awareness for aftermarket names, and we'll explore topics involving pricing and valuation, and the viability of major domain name extensions.

Following the article's publication, we plan to launch a survey to both domain industry professionals, as well as to brand managers, marketing experts, etc. The results will then be made public.

So, stay tuned!

Domain Tax Guide: A guide for domain name owners and those who sell domain names.

The Domain Tax Guide
Whether you're just starting to make some money with your domain name business, or you're already into the paydirt, if you want to get the latest information about domain investing and tax implications, then get your copy of The Domain Tax Guide Now!

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